Creating a CV has never been this easy. Build your CV Now!

Basic CV Template

A basic resume template can help you create your resume with a well-organised layout, which will make it easier to read and understand. It's simple to use, with aligned sections and makes it effortless for recruiters to see what's crucial for the position at hand.

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Using the Basic CV Template

A basic layout for a resume is a great way to keep your resume looking professional, clean and easy to read.

It also helps you organize the information you want potential employers or HR professionals to see in an order that makes sense.

A basic resume style might aid readers in quickly identifying parts in chronological order.

Make sure you highlight the most of your skills as this template allows you to include a distinct section for skills.

You are not limited to a certain amount of content, so include more details about your work experience.

Keep your summary brief and straightforward. Recruiters will like reading your CV because of the clear design.

Create your CV in 3 simple steps

1. Choose a CV template

To begin creating your CV, choose from a list of our free CV templates.

2. Add/Edit Info

Everything you see on the CV page is editable and customizable (We render HTML to PDF).

3. Export your CV to PDF

Preview your progress and tap save if everything seems good and download a high quality PDF of your CV.

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